The day I developed my fear of lizards

 Well, that night I was in a party in my house and my cousins and I were playing "hide and seek" in the street. So, I went to hide myself in my neighbourhood house. And when I was already hide I hear the sound that the lizards use to do, in that time they doesn't scare me so I didn't care. Everything was okay, but then I felt something in my head, and yes, I had a lizard in my head. So I start screaming and shaking so in that way I can take it off. Then I run to my house, in which my cousins were, and they ask me why I was screaming and I tell them what happened and they start laughing while I was crying. Since that day, I devolped I big fear of lizards. Everytime that I was doing something and a lizard was near to me, the lizard felt into my head or my chest , and I start screaming or crying because that is disgusting to me.  


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